Are you tired all the time?
you’ve heard of it before Chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis” CFS”?
If you have this syndrome, of course you want to know these questions..
- Which specialist should I see?
- Is it related to other conditions?
- Is it progressive?
- Does this condition make a person eligible for a walker or disability benefits? !
Don’t worry, in this article you will find answers to your questions..
fatigue Unlike being tired, when you’re tired, you know you’ll feel better just by sleeping in, but when you wake up, the fatigue is still there and it sticks with you throughout the day.
- Fatigue is a lack of energy, a feeling of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion.
What is CFS:
It is a physiological, chronic and multisystem disease that causes long-term debilitating illness with a wide range of symptoms, especially extreme fatigue, affecting 1% of the population.
**Multisystem disorders leading to functional impairment:
- nervous system
- immune system
- energy metabolism system
- Endocrine System
Facts about CFS:
- It affects women three to four times more than men.
- Adults are more affected than children.
- This condition is called (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and is due to long-lasting fatigue.
- The severity of symptoms varies from person to person.
- The main cause of the disease is still unknown.
Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
possible start Sudden or Gradually. If it occurs suddenly, it may be caused by a gastrointestinal or respiratory disease or any other acute infection, other cases may occur after a physical or emotional trauma such as a serious accident or surgery.
The main reason is unknown. But it could be due to:
- Source of infection. viral (glandular fever), bacteria ( pneumonia)
- Immunological or adrenal system dysfunction.
- hormone imbalance.
- genetic.
- childhood trauma.
Risk factors:
- gender: Women are twice as suspicious as men.
- age: Most commonly 30-60.
- biological disease.
- psychological factors.
Signs and symptoms of CFS:
Manifestations vary from normal life to bedridden:
25% stay at home some of the time, and 75% can not work.
- unexplained fatigue: Px cannot perform normal tasks.
- Discomfort after exertion: Symptoms worsen within 48 hours of physical or mental activity.
- sleep disorder.
- Refreshing.
- Excessive daytime sleepiness.
- Insomnia at night.

- Inattention.
- Reduced short-term memory.
- Reduce processing speed.
- Reduced multi-skill ability.

- Autonomic dysfunction: Headache, nausea, sweating, dizziness.
- Extremely tired.
- Exercise intolerance.
- anxiety or depression.
- others: Gastrointestinal upset, sore throat, chronic myalgia, unexplained muscle pain.
Usually symptoms are worst during the first two years, then symptoms stabilize and then can persist long-term.
Which specialist should I see?
Doctors may refer patients to specialists such as neurologists, rheumatologists, sleep specialists, or psychologists for an accurate diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis:
- Hypothyroidism.
- anemia.
- Multiple sclerosis “MS”
- celiac disease.
- bipolar disorder.
- cancer.
- Fibromyalgia.
- Dementia.
Diagnosis and inspection:
- have No Specific tests.
- There are no specific blood tests.
- The investigation just conducted ruled out other scenarios.
- Diagnose based on symptoms.
A diagnosis of CFS/ME requires at least three of the following symptoms:
- Discomfort after exertion.
- sleep disorder.
- Impairment of the ability to perform at premorbid levels in educational, social, personal, or occupational activities that persists for more than 6 months and completes upon fatigue.
Treatment and Management:
Although there are No Specific treatment or treatment.multidisciplinary team MDT working as:
- Focus on improving quality of life.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. “How Thinking Affects Feeling”
- Physical therapy and exercise.
- Rintatolimod: a double standard drug.
- energy management.
- After an activity or exercise, a person should rest longer than usual.
- Medications to relieve symptoms of “pain and sleep disturbance”
- Change your lifestyle.
Although some chronic fatigue syndrome patients with CFS promote Over time, with specific treatments, many people with this syndrome will need to adjust to their daily lives for a long time.
How Can Physical Therapy Help CFS?
Physical therapy may be one of the best options for helping CFS
- Helps balance the nervous system.
- Improve physical function.
- Improves energy levels in the body.
- Stretch to relieve tension.
- Massage Therapy: Relieves stress and tension in the muscles.
- supine exercise.
- improve the quality of life.
- Patience education.
- balance exercise.
- Aerobic exercise, treadmill, stationary bike, walking and running to increase heart capacity.
in conclusion:
People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have more than CFS (just tiredness). They have constant fatigue and exhaustion throughout the day.
Once they engage in physical or mental activity, it may make their symptoms worse.
refer to:
- Snyder, K. (dated). feeling tired?Physical Therapy Can Fight Fatigue. Feeling tired? Physiotherapy to Combat Fatigue: Perfect Posture: Chiropractor. Retrieved January 3, 2023 from
- SHFA Australia. (March 10, 2020). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Sleep. Sleep Health Foundation. . Retrieved 3 January 2023 from
- Suzanne D. Vernon, PD (2009, September 16). chronic fatigue syndrome. Healthy women. Retrieved January 3, 2023 from
- Unravel the mysteries of Medicine McMaster. (2018, April 2). What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? YouTube. Retrieved January 3, 2023 from
- Rhesus Medicine. (May 2, 2022). Myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome): including criteria and treatment.YouTube. Retrieved January 3, 2023 from