By: Dr. Sean Wells, DPT, PT, OCS, ATC/L, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, CNPT, Cert-DN
As physical therapists (PTs), we do our best to optimize the strength, balance, and function of our elderly clients. Obviously, our main interventions focus on exercise, balance training and adaptive equipment. In our courses, we emphasize the importance of vitamin D status and protein intake in older adults to improve balance, build strength, and prevent sarcopenia.a recent study natural aging Another potential dietary component affecting muscle function was highlighted: ceramides.
Ceramides are a type of fat that have been shown to reduce muscle mass and functional capacity in rodents. Furthermore, it has been shown that delivery of ceramide-inhibiting drugs is effective in reversing sarcopenia, which is very promising for human studies.at present study The authors examined older adults with gene variants that suppress ceramide. The results showed that these adults with the variant had significantly better grip strength, walking distance and sitting function: all metrics commonly measured by doctors of physical therapy (DPTs). The next step for these researchers is to understand how drugs and/or dietary changes can produce these results.
Fortunately, other authors highlight how PTs and other clinicians can advise their patients on how to naturally reduce dietary ceramides.inside FRUVDomic Pilot Study, the authors demonstrated that a diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in saturated fat helped increase hepatic ceramide production. Even switching patients from a standard Western diet to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines produced a positive response to aging, the researchers concluded. Imagine the effect on aging and physical function if we ate a more extreme way of eating, such as a true Mediterranean diet or a plant-based diet? More research is needed, but PTs need to be aware that fruit and vegetable intake is important for many health outcomes, and that screening tools are available and easy to use. We discuss this and more in our courses!
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